Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Africa
What is it, and What is its Significance To Our Own Culture?

This is the official website of author Hanny Lightfoot-Klein

For the past three decades, Lightfoot-Klein has been speaking out against Female Genital Mutilation, violently perpetrated on well over a hundred million women in 28 African and Arab counties.

Her ground breaking, in-depth study of this subject, conducted over a 6 year period in sub-Saharan Africa, shed light on these secret rituals, which had until then remained hidden from the Western world. Her empathic understanding of the issues involved in their continuation versus their eventual, hoped for abandonment, remains to this day unsurpassed.

Lightfoot-Klein's writings on this difficult and perplexing subject have been instrumental in breaking down the taboos that have enshrouded the practices for millennia.

Hanny Lightfoot-Klein now devotes a considerable part of her time to making the knowledge and insights she has accumulated over the past 31 years of service as Expert Witness in Immigration Court (in the United States and Europe) to asylum seekers:

For a list of Lightfoot-Klein's qualifications as expert witness and a Selected List of Publications and Presentations at National and International Conferences, click here.

If you are concerned about the human rights of an estimated 140 million women all over the world, it is imperative that you read these award-winning, immensely important books.

Prisoners of RitualA Woman's Odyssey into AfricaSecret WoundsChildren's Genitals Under the KnifeThe Doctor and the Poet

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